Fitr means to break fast or to refrain from fasting. Hence the Eid after the fasts of Ramadhân is called Eid ul Fitr, as it is the day of rejoicing after the completion of fasting. On this occasion of happiness, as a sign of gratitude one has to give a specific amount in alms, which is called Sadaqatul Fitr (also known as Zakatul Fitr or Fitrana).

    It is reported from Ibn Abbâs Radiallâhu anhu that Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam made charity of Fitr compulsory as a purification of fasts from useless talks and vile discourses and also as food to the poor (Abû Dawûd).

    Sadaqatul fitr is Wajib upon the one who possesses wealth (cash, gold, silver, business stock, unnecessary possessions) which equals the nisaab amount on the morning of Eid. A father must also discharge on behalf of minor children who don’t possess their own wealth equivalent to Nisab.

    Based on the different hadith a person can give the value of wheat, barley, raisins or dates in sadaqah. Please see the price of each of these above for this Ramadan (1442) in Canadian dollars.

    Read: Guidance on discharging Sadaqatul Fitr by Mufti Muhammd Taqi Usmani


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